Nathan St.Germain, AIA, CPHC, RESET® Air AP

For nearly twenty years, Nathan St. Germain has pursued his passion for combining elegant design with social responsibility and sustainability. His interest in the relationship between architecture and the public good is reflected in a wide variety of projects that emphasize the environment, health, and comfort.

Born and raised in Rhode Island, Nathan studied architecture at the New Jersey Institute of Technology and spent nearly a decade practicing in New York City. In 2012, Nathan moved to Pittsburgh, where he founded Studio St. Germain based on his philosophy of “Building to Give Back.”

Since arriving in Pennsylvania, Nathan has established Studio St. Germain as a leader in high-performance building and progressive design. As one of the first Certified Passive House Consultants (CPHC) in Pittsburgh, Nathan is uniquely positioned to put his environmental beliefs into practice by designing buildings that “give back” to their communities in the form of energy efficiency and improved indoor air quality. By integrating productivity-enhancing features such as lighting, thermal comfort, and acoustics, he creates built environments that improve the health and wellness of the people who occupy them. His work is characterized by rigorous design, a collaborative spirit, and a commitment to human values. To Nathan, every project represents an opportunity to impact the community and the environment positively.

Nathan is a licensed architect in Pennsylvania and New York and is a Certified Passive House Consultant (CPHC) and a RESET Accredited Professional. His work has been recognized in numerous publications and has won multiple design and building awards, including a Certificate of Merit from the AIA for Design Pittsburgh 2021, a Gold Award - Green Built Category (National Association of Home Builders), a Gold Nugget Silver Award (Pacific Coast Builders Conference), Green Home of the Year (Denver MAME Awards), and the Renovation Inspiration Contest (Commercial Category) sponsored by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. In addition, Nathan has participated in the Rockefeller 100 Resilient Cities Program and is a contributor to the Pittsburgh Climate Action Plan.

An active volunteer in his community, Nathan served as Chairman of the Sewickley Planning Commission. He also co-founded the nonprofit Passive House Western Pennsylvania (PHWPA).